Is there a difference between grind and seal and fully polished concrete?

Grind and Seal vs Fully Polished Concrete: The Distinctions

Choosing the ideal finish for your concrete floor is crucial in enhancing the aesthetics and durability of the space. In Auckland’s residential and commercial sectors, ‘Grind and Seal‘ and ‘Fully Polished Concrete‘ are two prominent choices. But what sets these two apart?

Grind and Seal Explained

Grind and seal is a method where the concrete is ground to the desired exposure level. A clear topical sealer is then applied to guard the concrete. Sealers can vary from matte to high gloss, depending on individual tastes.

Environmental Benefit: Grind and seal often employ water-based sealers, which are environmentally friendly, hence lowering the environmental impact of your construction project.

Delving into Fully Polished Concrete

Fully polished concrete floor undergoes multiple grinding phases with diamond tooling. After grinding, a densifier is applied to solidify the concrete. It’s then further honed and polished to the desired sheen and smoothness.

Environmental Advantage: Densifiers often contain natural compounds and do not emit VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), ensuring the process is environmentally responsible.

Cost and Suburb Differences

The choice of floor finish can be influenced by style preferences and housing types, which can vary across suburbs like Ponsonby to Manukau.

  • Ponsonby: The suburb, dominated by classic villas, sees a preference for fully polished concrete for its ageless and seamless look. Costs here can range from $98 to $168 per square metre.
  • Manukau: A blend of contemporary homes and commercial spaces, grind and seal is a popular choice due to its glossy finish and budget-friendliness, costing between $70 to $126 per square metre.

Auckland Bylaws and Consents

The Auckland council maintains specific bylaws around construction and remodelling. While standard floor grinding may not demand council consent, larger endeavours, especially those impacting structural integrity or exterior aesthetics, might. In places like the Waitakere ranges, building codes may limit finish types due to environmental and heritage considerations. It’s always prudent to check with the local regional council and be aware of pertinent codes.

Summary Table: Grind and Seal vs Fully Polished Concrete

AspectGrind and SealFully Polished Concrete
Estimated Cost$70 – $126 per sq.m$98 – $168 per sq.m
Finish VarietiesMatte to High GlossSatin to Mirror Sheen
Environmental ImpactEco-friendly water-based sealersNo VOC emissions
Maintenance RequirementRegular sealing needed every few yearsOccasional re-polishing is needed

Choosing between grind and seal and fully polished concrete depends on the desired appearance, budgetary concerns, and specific preferences and restrictions within suburbs. Engaging with Auckland construction professionals will ensure a choice that’s both informed and compliant.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main difference between grind and seal and fully polished concrete? Grind and seal involves grinding the concrete to a desired level and then sealing it with a topical sealer, whereas fully polished concrete is ground multiple times, densified, and then polished to achieve the desired sheen.

Which method is more environmentally friendly? Both methods can be environmentally responsible. Grind and seal often use water-based sealers, which are eco-friendly, while fully polished concrete’s densifiers are typically low in VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds).

How often will I need to maintain my grind and seal floor compared to a fully polished one? Grind and seal floors may need re-sealing every few years to maintain their appearance and protection. In contrast, fully polished concrete might require occasional re-polishing to retain its shine.

Is there a significant price difference between the two methods? Yes, grind and seal can be more budget-friendly, ranging from $70 to $126 per sq.m in areas like Manukau, while fully polished concrete can range from $98 to $168 per sq.m in suburbs like Ponsonby.

Do I need council consent for floor grinding in Auckland? While standard floor grinding may not typically require council consent, larger projects, especially those that impact structural integrity or exterior aesthetics, might necessitate approval. It’s advisable to consult with the local regional council and be aware of relevant building codes.

Are there specific Auckland suburbs where one method is more popular than the other? Trends can vary, but in suburbs like Ponsonby, fully polished concrete is preferred for its seamless look in classic villas, while in Manukau, the glossy finish of grind and seal is favoured in modern homes and commercial spaces.

What factors can influence the cost of these services in Auckland? The type of finish, square footage, desired level of sheen, and specific suburbs, due to localised demand and preferences, can all play a role in determining cost.

Key Takeaways

Distinct Methods: Grind and seal entails grinding the concrete surface and sealing it with a protective layer, while fully polished concrete undergoes multiple rounds of grinding, is densified, and polished to achieve the desired gloss.

Environmental Impact: Both grind and seal and fully polished concrete can be environmentally-friendly choices, given the right materials and processes.

Maintenance Difference: Grind and seal might require re-sealing every few years, whereas fully polished concrete will need occasional re-polishing to maintain its sheen.

Cost Variances: Fully polished concrete is generally more expensive than grind and seal, with costs influenced by factors like finish type, area size, and locality. For example, Ponsonby has a higher rate for fully polished concrete compared to Manukau’s preference for grind and seal.

Council Consents: While standard floor grinding might not always necessitate council consent, larger projects, especially those altering the building’s structure or façade, might require approvals.

Local Preferences: Auckland suburbs have their distinct preferences, with Ponsonby often leaning towards the seamless look of fully polished concrete in older homes, and Manukau favouring the modern gloss of grind and seal.

Factors Influencing Cost: Prices in Auckland can vary based on the specific finish chosen, project size, desired gloss level, and even the suburb, due to local demand and preferences.

What is The Most Durable Concrete Floor Finish?

In Auckland, one of the most durable concrete floor finishes is polished concrete. Polished concrete floors are known for their strength, longevity, and resistance to wear and tear. The durability of polished concrete does not significantly vary by different suburbs within Auckland. However, there are some factors related to the local environment that can impact the longevity of any concrete floor finish, and these considerations can be mitigated.

Factors to consider for polished concrete flooring:

Climate and Moisture:

Certain suburbs in Auckland may experience higher levels of moisture, especially those in coastal or high rainfall areas. Excessive moisture can affect the durability of polished concrete floors, leading to issues such as cracking or delamination. To mitigate this, proper moisture testing, moisture barriers, and adequate sealing should be implemented during the installation process.

Substrate Preparation:

The quality of the concrete substrate and the preparation process before applying the finish can impact the durability. Proper surface preparation, including thorough cleaning, repairing any cracks or damages, and ensuring a level and smooth surface, is essential for a long-lasting concrete floor finish.

Traffic and Usage:

The level of foot traffic, heavy machinery, or other activities on the concrete floor can impact its durability. High-traffic areas, such as commercial or industrial spaces, may require additional protective measures like regular maintenance, occasional resealing, or the use of protective coatings to enhance durability.

Maintenance and Care:

Regular maintenance and proper care play a crucial role in maintaining the durability of any concrete floor finish. This includes regular cleaning with appropriate products, promptly addressing any spills or stains, avoiding harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaning methods, and following manufacturer recommendations for maintenance.

To ensure the most durable concrete floor finish in any suburb of Auckland, it is advisable to work with experienced professionals who are knowledgeable about local conditions and have expertise in concrete floor installation and maintenance. They can assess the specific requirements of your project, recommend suitable finishes and techniques, and provide guidance on how to mitigate any potential challenges related to the local environment.